The Ultimate Breastfeeding

Jump Start Bundle

Whether you're a first-time feeder or seasoned milk-machine, this Ultimate Jump Start Bundle has something inside for you!
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The Ultimate Breastfeeding

Jump Start Bundle

Whether you're a first-time feeder or seasoned milk-machine, this Ultimate Jump Start Bundle has something inside for you!
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What You'll Find Inside This

Free Guide!

What You'll Find Inside This

Free Guide!

39 Pages Amazing Recipes and Hacks
An entire collection of incredible breastmilk beauty hacks, tasty toddler superfoods and nutrition lactation treats!

Practical And Exciting Uses For Breastmilk
From sugar scrubs and cold sticks to soap and even jewlery the possibilties are near endless and I can't wait to share them with you!

How To Turn Your Passion Into A Fulfilling Biz
For mama's that are passionate about feeding and want to add new streams of income, there's step by step guides to doing just that!

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It's Me, I'm Amy!

AKA The Breast Milk Queen!

I love myself. I celebrate my womanly form and thank my body by heaping love onto it. 

I feel most at my most beautiful with my big booty, belly and boobs on show in a bikini on the beach. I’m all about body positivity and I love breastfeeding (have been for over 11 years in a row!).

As a Midwife and Registered Nurse, I worship the power of breastmilk. My time working as a NICU nurse has shown me what it can do for even the newest and frailest of babies. 

I've put this FREE guide together to because I quite simply LOVE sharing what I've learnt with other mothers and to help them to be both creative and crafty with their passion for breastfeeding!

A Passion For Feeding Is A Click Away!

Better Living Is Only A Click Away...

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